Who is Tyler

hunter alone in the wilderness, campfire at midnight, | Stable Diffusion |  OpenArt


 Hello all.  My name is John Rountree, but I go by Tyler.  I am 37 and happily married with 5 kids that range from the age of 3 to 12 (3 boys and 2 girls).  For the past 10 years to date, I have been and am active duty Army and do structural repairs on helicopters.  I enjoy my job, but I enjoy Alaska even more.  My family and I moved here in November of 2021 and started soaking up the Alaskan outdoors almost immediately when we arrived.  Because we plan on making Alaska our forever home we bought a house last spring and have been having the joy of homeownership.  Well, maybe not a joy all the time ha. I'm sure a lot of people in Alaska say they are into the outdoors, well so am I.  The only time the family and I aren't outside enjoying hunting, fishing, hiking, riding the wheelers, basically all things outdoors is when it's below -20. 

When it comes to Art I haven't really thought about how it fits into my life too much up until now.  When I was stationed in Germany the family and I visited the Vatican, not because of religion or art but for the history of it.  Once we got there and saw all of the art; some of which was ancient all I could think of was wow there's a lot here that not many people get to see in their lifetime.  We also went to the Lourve and attempted to see the Mona Lisa but there were so many people there to see a painting that was so protected that no one could get within 20 feet of the thing it seems.  That's about all of my experience with what most people would consider art.  I have always looked at my woodworking as an art form.  I enjoy doing scroll work with intricate details, some of which are hanging on people's walls to this day.  I have also recently gotten into creating digital art or SVGs that I then turn into physical products with my CNC laser.  

Follow the link for a good article from Forbes.com on the Future of Art.


  1. Congratulations on your home ownership. Yes, they are a lot of work. Glad you got so see some important art during your tour in Germany. Woodworking certainly can be an artform.

  2. That's amazing you got to visit the Louvre, everything I've seen in there is absolutely beautiful and gorgeous. My dad is military as well and we almost got stationed in Germany if we didn't go to Alaska, everything I've seen about Germany looks so interesting :)

  3. It really is a bummer how difficult it is to see the Mona Lisa, I hope the other artwork was nice though.

  4. Hello Tyler. Ah, the joys of home ownership. It is nice to have a place that you own though. I do prefer the warmer months though. When I first arrived in Fairbanks almost 40 years ago, I felt like I finally arrived home and that this is where I belong. I really like the picture you chose. It looks very peaceful, far away from people and city noise. Two of the reasons i migrated here from the lower 48.


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